Tag Archives: West Palm Beach Social Security Disability Attorney

What Is the Social Security Compassionate Allowance Program?
Is it possible to obtain Social Security benefits in about two weeks to two months? Yes it is, although rarely, possible under the Social Security Administration’s Compassionate Allowance Program (CAP). The CAP Program The program awards disability benefits on an expedited basis to those with serious or fatal diseases. There are over 200 diseases… Read More »

How Are Vocational Experts Used in a Social Security Disability Hearing?
When you file a Social Security disability claim, you may wonder how exactly the government refutes your evidence. In almost every hearing, the government does not have Social Security lawyers there to argue on its behalf. So what evidence does the government present and how does it present it? The Vocational Expert In most… Read More »

Substantial Gainful Activity
There are seemingly endless hoops to jump through for Social Security Disability applicants. One of the most important criteria is whether the disabled person is able to earn a living wage. In order to qualify, the applicant cannot be able to engage in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), which is further described below. For assistance… Read More »

Credibility of Treating Doctors Versus Social Security Administration Consultative Examinations
In order to receive Social Security Disability benefits (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you must show that your condition will last more than 12 months and that the disability keeps you from performing Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). One of the measurements for SGA is monthly income. If you are regularly earning more than… Read More »