Monthly Archives: January 2020

How are Workers Injured on the Job?
Although the workers’ compensation system is designed to help workers who sustain an injury while on the job, workers’ compensation is not designed to prevent an accident on the job. Workplace Injuries are Too Common According to the National Safety Council, a worker is injured every seven seconds while at work in America. There… Read More »

Lawsuit is Filed in Best Buy Tragedy
It is always important to remind the public that when people are victims of criminal activity, it is not just the criminal legal system that can help you, but the civil justice system can help as well. Sadly, it is often the worst of tragedies that reminds us of this. Big Stores Often Subcontract… Read More »

A Judge Can Alter a Jury’s Damage Findings
Our system of justice is based on a jury making certain decisions of fact, including making a decision as to the value of a victim’s injuries. Rarely does a trial judges intervene and second guess a jury, or overturn a decision a jury has made, because doing so would minimize the power and importance… Read More »

When Should You Reapply After Being Denied Social Security Disability?
Our legal system isn’t perfect, which means that some people that need help or relief, don’t get the help that they need. When it comes to Social Security, some people that need help, don’t get it because they are denied benefits at any given stage in the application process. However, the law does not… Read More »

How to Get Workers’ Compensation for Repetitive, Cumulative Injuries
Imagine that you are working in a job where you perform the same type of physical movement many times a day. At first, your job may not seem stressful but, over time, the repeated motion starts to cause you pain, and wear and tear. Can you recover workers’ compensation benefits for an injury(ies) that… Read More »

How to Receive Spousal Social Security Benefits
If you suffer a disease or diseases or are injured to the point that you can no longer work, you may be entitled to collect Social Security benefits. However, what you may not know is that, in certain situations, your spouse may be able to receive benefits as well. Spousal benefits are only available… Read More »

Accident Victims Can Recover Damages for PTSD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is widely recognized as affecting veterans of war, and first-responders responding to extremely traumatic calls. However, PTSD is not limited to veterans and first-responders. The stress from an accident can often be enough to trigger PTSD, and symptoms from the disorder can be compensable in a personal injury case. Symptoms… Read More »

Building Code Violations Are Evidence of Negligence
The reasons for building codes are many and varied. Although not all building codes are related to safety, a recent court decision found that failure to comply with or follow building codes could be evidence of negligence in a trip and fall case. The case involved an elderly man who was exiting a Quest… Read More »