Category Archives: Car Accidents

Can You Recover in a Car Accident if you Weren’t Wearing a Seat Belt?
In many car accident cases, negligent drivers (defendants) try to ascribe some responsibility for the accident or injuries on the victim. This is normally done by asserting that a driver that was injured did or failed to do something that contributed, in part, to the accident, or to the severity of the his/her injuries…. Read More »

How Strong is the Accident Report Privilege?
After a car accident, most people who go to see an attorney will talk about what was said at the scene of the accident (assuming they were conscious and physically able to hear what anyone was saying). Many victims feel that what the investigating police officer said, or what other people at the scene… Read More »

Texting While Driving Laws Are Getting Tougher
Lawmakers in Florida are calling for stricter laws regarding distracted driving, like texting. Distracted Driving is a Secondary Offense Lawmakers are aware of the texting behind the wheel problem, which is why it is illegal to text and drive in Florida and has been since 2013. However, texting is not a primary offense. That… Read More »

Florida Supreme Court to Decide on How PIP Benefits are Applied
If you are in a car accident, your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits can be vital to you. PIP is a system designed to make sure that car accident victims get payment of medical bills or of lost wages. How PIP Works What makes PIP unique is that these insurance benefits are available to… Read More »

Exploding Tesla Causes Safety Concerns
When a car is involved in an accident, we certainly expect that the car could catch fire. In most cases, occupants of a car are able to get away from the vehicle, because most crashes do not cause the immediate and catastrophic explosion of a car. However, this was not the case for a… Read More »

The Dangerous Instrumentality Doctrine
Let’s imagine that you let someone borrow your car, and they get into an accident that injures someone else. Can you be held liable? You may not think so, but under the doctrine of dangerous instrumentality, you can be held liable for injuries, even when they are caused by someone else. Making Owners Insurers… Read More »

Why Getting Treatment is Especially Important in Car Accident Cases
Treating with your doctors following a car accident is important towards achieving full recovery. It is also important to document you injuries for possible presentation in court. Showing a Threshold Injury In Florida, in order to recover monetary damages, you must establish a permanent injury. You may wonder, “don’t I need a permanent injury… Read More »

Lawsuits against Trucking Companies
An Orlando resident who was involved in a traffic collision with a plumbing septic truck recently filed a lawsuit against the company. The plaintiff, the injured victim, is seeking damages for bodily injury, mental and physical pain and suffering, disfigurement, disability inconvenience, loss of enjoyment of life, aggravation of existing medical condition, mental anguish,… Read More »

Rollover Traffic Collisions
Interstate 75 was recently shut down on both the northbound and southbound sides due to a serious pileup in Charlotte County, according to My Sunny Coast News. Multiple trauma patients were airlifted by helicopter to local hospitals. While 14 total people were injured in the pileup, which involved a rollover, five were left in… Read More »

Have You Been Injured by an Uber Driver?
Uber, the popular online application that allows for people to hire drivers within their area, has taken off in recent years, to the chagrin of taxi and limo companies. Uber is less expensive and, according to its user base, more convenient. But unlike taxi and limo services, Uber drivers do not have to go… Read More »