Category Archives: Social Security Disability

What is the Waiting Time for Social Security Disability Hearings?
It is common knowledge that it can take some time to obtain Social Security benefits. But a recent article points out just how long the wait time can be, highlighting the difficulties that those who need benefits face. The Process of Making a Claim It’s important to understand the basic phases of a disability… Read More »

How do Drug and Alcohol Addiction Affect a Social Security Disability Claim?
For many people suffering from chronic conditions or enduring pain as a result of an injury or an illness, there may be indications in medical records of drug or alcohol abuse. If you have abused either one, you should tell your treating doctors—honesty is the best policy and your doctors need to know if… Read More »

How Are Vocational Experts Used in a Social Security Disability Hearing?
When you file a Social Security disability claim, you may wonder how exactly the government refutes your evidence. In almost every hearing, the government does not have Social Security lawyers there to argue on its behalf. So what evidence does the government present and how does it present it? The Vocational Expert In most… Read More »

What Does Date Last Insured (DLI) Mean?
Receiving disability is a vital part of millions of Americans’ lives. Currently, 10,450,000 Americans receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). However, successfully applying for and receiving these benefits can be complex, and being accepted into this program depends on a wide range of criteria. The date last insured (DLI) is the date before which… Read More »