Category Archives: Products Liability

Recent Death a Reminder of the Dangers of Defective Vaping Pens
In another devastating accident because of a product gone bad, a man has been killed after his e-cigarette (sometimes called a vaping pen) malfunctioned while in his mouth. This story, like so many others similar to it, is another reminder of how dangerous the products that we use every day can be. Man Dies… Read More »

What to Do if You Are Injured by Defective Food Products
Grocery store Aldi has been sued for injuries that occurred when a burger purchased there apparently exploded, causing injury to a consumer. The victim stated that she complied with all the packaging instructions, including those that listed the maximum cooking temperature, but the burger exploded as soon as it was put on the frying… Read More »

Firework Injuries
Fireworks are used to celebrate special occasions such as New Year’s Eve and Independence Day. However, when not used properly in a safe environment, fireworks can easily make a fun social event turn into a personal injury nightmare. Fireworks and firecrackers can cause second or third degree burns, blindness, and even loss of fingers… Read More »

Dangerous Consumer Items: Nursery Products
With all the potential hazards to babies and young children in everyday life, such as vehicle traffic, falling from a height, or eating a toxic substance or allergen, the last place an ordinary parent would expect to find a threat is in their own home. Even more surprising is that the threat could potentially… Read More »