Who Can Properly Appraise a Homeowners’ Insurance Claim?

People are forced to file a homeowners’ insurance claim when the insurance company refuses to pay for a loss, arguing that the cause of the loss is excluded under some part of your homeowners’ insurance policy. There are some instances when the insurance company may agree that there is covered loss but dispute the amount of damage.
When Appraisals are Needed
Some homeowner’s insurance policies provide that when there is a dispute as to the value of repairs, an appraisal will be required. Each policy has its own process as to how that appraisal is performed. Many provide that both the insurance company and the homeowner hire their own appraisers, and if they disagree, the court may order its own witness. The appraiser is a powerful witness in your court presentation. Homeowners sometimes also use public adjusters as their appraiser. Public adjusters have expertise in the area of damage, the costs of the damage and necessary repairs. The public adjuster is the homeowner’s agent. The public adjuster typically changes 10% of the ultimate payment by the insurance company.