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Firework Injuries


Fireworks are used to celebrate special occasions such as New Year’s Eve and Independence Day. However, when not used properly in a safe environment, fireworks can easily make a fun social event turn into a personal injury nightmare. Fireworks and firecrackers can cause second or third degree burns, blindness, and even loss of fingers in some worst-case scenarios.

My Child was Hurt Because of an Adult’s Negligent Supervision

When you entrust your child’s well-being to a friend, a neighbor, the parents of your child’s friends, or another family member, you expect them to take reasonable care to ensure that any use of fireworks will be well-supervised or that any fireworks will be off limits to your young ones. Unfortunately, serious injuries among children occur every year when a negligent adult fails to take responsibility for supervision. Whether they handed a dangerous firework to your child to light, or did not make sure that your child was far enough away from the flames and explosions, they may be held accountable in a court of law for the damages that they unintentionally caused. We fully understand that it can be hard to seek damages from a friend or neighbor, or especially from a family member, but the tremendous costs associated with serious third degree burns, and the potential for your child’s life-long disability and earning loss, are nothing to be ‘socially polite’ about.

Sparklers: More Dangerous than You Thought

When asked what the most dangerous firework or firecracker might be, most people would likely list off known threats such as the cherry bomb, roman candle, or bottle rocket. While all three of these types of fireworks can cause devastating explosions or serious burn wounds, it is the quiet and unassuming sparkler that causes the highest percentage of injuries. Sparklers, one of the more common backyard firework devices, heat up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. However, because they do not create any loud noises and are easy to use, they are often handed to children. According to 2014 Fireworks Annual Report created by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 19 percent of all firework injuries during their month-long summer study were caused by sparklers.

Defective Fireworks Cause Serious Injuries, Even When Used as Described

Not all fireworks are safe, even when you use them correctly. Defects, whether in manufacturing or design, are common. For example, have you ever lit a ‘dud’ only for nothing to happen? Well, the opposite can happen; fireworks that are not intended to shoot flames or explode, may do just that. There are strict standards of what constitutes a safe firework under Florida law, and we will pursue the manufacturer or seller of the firework if necessary. Under Florida statute 791.07, it is a first degree misdemeanor to sell, distribute, or produce fireworks in violation of this code. This means that not only will the maker or distributor of the firework be held financially responsible, they may face fines or jail time as well.

Reach Out to Us Today for Professional Assistance

If you or your child was injured by a firework in West Palm Beach and you are not sure who is to blame, do not hesitate to call the Celeste Law Firm today at 561-478-2447 to speak with a lawyer now. We are eager to assist you with your case.



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