Asbestos and Mesothelioma

Asbestos exposure can lead to a deadly form of cancer called mesothelioma, and because asbestos is still used in many products and building materials, it is a constant source of threat in the workplace and at home. If you have suffered from asbestos poisoning, or mesothelioma, you should talk to a West Palm Beach attorney at Celeste Law Firm about receiving compensation from the negligent party, even if that party is your employer.
What is Mesothelioma and what are the Implications of the Disease?
Unfortunately, mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer that is often times incurable. It occurs when asbestos is inhaled into the lungs, where asbestos fibers settle and deteriorate the lung’s lining. With long term exposure to asbestos, either at home or in the workplace, mesothelioma becomes a real concern. Mesothelioma malignancy also occurs in the heart and abdomen.
Filing a Toxic Tort against Your Employer
Under normal circumstances, you cannot sue your employer. Your employer is protected under workers’ compensation laws, which provide medical care and partial wage replacement for employees, but in so doing, denies their right to sue for other damages, such as pain and suffering and loss of joy in life. However, when an employee is injured or becomes ill from a toxic substance, such as asbestos, they may have the ability to successfully file and win a personal injury lawsuit against their employer. If your workplace is contaminated with asbestos and you developed an illness, you need to take immediate action to hold your employer financially accountable for their negligent actions.
Your Landlord Should Have Taken Precautions
In Florida, it is the landlord’s responsibility to remove asbestos from apartments and to notify tenants about potential asbestos hazards of the premises. If the landlord knows that its apartment contains asbestos, and the tenant is unaware of the presence of asbestos or complains about its presences with no corrections and became sick, developing mesothelioma, the tenant has the right to sue.
Contact a Mesothelioma Lawyer Today
If you have developed mesothelioma as a result of unsafe living conditions or because of asbestos contamination at work, you need to speak with an attorney at once. Call the professional West Palm Beach asbestos attorneys of Celeste Law Firm today for immediate legal help.