Personal Injury
Personal Injury or “tort” cases are legal disputes that arise when one person suffers harm (physically or emotionally) from an accident or injury as a result of someone else’s negligence or intentional act. There are many types of personal injury cases, the most recognized of which are auto accidents, slip & falls, wrongful death, and products liability. Call Celeste Law Firm immediately if you or anyone you know has been involved in any of these situations to speak with one of our experienced attorneys.
Personal injury laws allow the injured party to recover compensation for damages caused by someone else’s carelessness, negligence, recklessness, or intentional actions. You may recover this compensation following filing a lawsuit, or you can try to resolve it informally with the insurance carrier of the person(s) who caused your injuries by “settling” before any lawsuit is filed. You can also try to settle through mediation or arbitration, mediation being the more popular settlement medium.
If you are the victim of a personal injury, the tortfeasor (person(s) who caused the accident/injury) is legally responsible to make good on the damage done. Personal injury law is a means for determining who is at fault, or “liable,” and how much compensation the injured person may receive.
Personal injury lawsuits usually fall under the jurisdiction of state courts in the county where the injury occurred, or where those involved in the incident are located. If the amount of compensation you are asking for is under $5000, it must be filed in a “small claims” court. There are exceptions when a case may be filed in federal court, but this rarely occurs. Experienced attorneys, like the ones at Celeste Law Firm, will determine the proper court to file the claim.
Many personal injury cases that have already been tried in State Court and were appealed, which resulted in a written opinion from an Appellate Court, form the legal precedent that guides the attorneys in prosecuting and defending personal injury cases. This may either help or hurt your case. The attorneys at Celeste Law Firm will honestly convey the good, the bad, and the ugly of the law and facts applicable to your case.
If you or someone you know have been a victim of a personal injury, contact the experienced attorneys at Celeste Law Firm immediately. Additionally, you should seek proper medical attention, take pictures of any harm or damage done to you and/or your property (i.e. vehicle in a MVA), get contact information from any witnesses, and follow up with any authorities, if necessary. Our West Palm Beach Personal Injury Attorney have the experience and courage to go to court to make sure you are properly compensated.